Are you ready to AWAKEN out of your Hypnotic Slumber?

"This guide will give you tools and concrete strategies to remember your greatness and reclaim the Super Powers you were born to use."

Remind Yourself of Who You REALLY Are!

"8 Ways To Reclaim Your Super Powers!"

  • Discover the 8 Foundations to wellness.

  • Learn how to care for your physical body and listen to your emotional body.

  • Discover that you are more than this experience; more than this situation or circumstance.

  • Feel powerful again and find the balance you long for.

Learn how to care for your physical body and listen to your emotional body.

This Free Gift includes

  • 8 easy Ways to Regain Your SuperPowers! Ebook
  • 7-Day Journaling Workbook

  • Checklist to help you to continue to Remember and Reclaim your Super Powers!

Re-Discover our True Essence and our Collective mission to unite and Awaken ourselves from our Hypnotic Slumber.

Hi, We Are Rena & Cynthia

Instant friends since 1981, we have explored the nature of Reality, Manifestation, Spirituality, and all forms of Metaphysics together.

Soul sisters at heart, we have combined over 120 years of wisdom into profound, yet bite-sized teachings that will give you the insight and tools needed to tap into your own powerful wisdom and transform your life, family, community, and world into the magnificent splendor they are meant to be.

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