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rena & cynthia have put together for you!

"simple, yet powerful steps to transforming and neutralizing any stressful moment"

Conscious Ascension

Accelerate your spiritual growth & gain quick, productive techniques that transform and neutralize stressful thoughts, Emotions and Events into optimistic and positive outcomes.

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in the meanwhile, take a look at what rena & cynthia have put together for you!

"simple, yet powerful steps to transforming and neutralizing any stressful moment"

Conscious Ascension

Accelerate your spiritual growth & gain quick, productive techniques that transform and neutralize stressful thoughts, Emotions and Events into optimistic and positive outcomes.

Want to find the truth and have confidence to stand with that truth?

Do you want to let anger, frustration, anxiety, and stress go, replacing them with optimism and confidence?

Do you want to come to an understanding of “What is really going on?” - So much doesn’t make sense right now ...

Do you want to stick with a powerful technique that resonates with you and taps into your inner wisdom?

Do you want to see lasting results?

Frustrated at the Confusion and Disinformation out there?

Perhaps you ...

Feel Uncertain About Your children’s emotional and physical health - and their future.

Feel Stressed or Down Much of the time. The weight of keeping Your head above water Seems to Be getting tougher.

Worried That the world is In Such Chaos that the life you dreamt of and worked for May not materialize.

You've tried to take time to Go Within, but can’t Stay focused or do it regularly.

Frustrated at the Confusion and Disinformation out there?

Perhaps you ...

Feel Uncertain About Your children’s emotional and physical health - and their future.

Feel Stressed or Down Much of the time. The weight of keeping Your head above water Seems to Be getting tougher.

Worried That the world is In Such Chaos that the life you dreamt of and worked for May not materialize.

You've tried to take time to Go Within, but can’t Stay focused or do it regularly.


What Conscious Ascension is and why it is paramount that we work on attaining it

How to overcome the challenge of inconsistency and gain confidence


What Conscious Ascension is and why it is paramount that we work on attaining it

How to overcome the challenge of inconsistency and gain confidence

In this course you will Re-Discover your True Essence and our Collective mission to unite and Awaken ourselves from our Hypnotic Slumber.

Hi, We are Rena & Cynthia

Instant friends since 1981, we have explored the nature of Reality, Manifestation, Spirituality, and all forms of Metaphysics together.

Soul sisters at heart, we have combined over 120 years of wisdom into profound, yet bite-sized teachings that will give you the insight and tools needed to tap into your own powerful wisdom and transform your life, family, community, and world into the magnificent splendor they are meant to be.

Rena's Story...

I began to experience Severe Anxiety

because I had invested everything into my new profession of being a hypnotherapist and all of the necessary things to begin my dream business.

Things hummed along nicely for close to a year and I felt like I was really making a difference in the lives of my clients.

As I continued my education, I came across a man who went deeper into energy healing. I loved what he taught and I hired him as my business coach.

Unfortunately it took several months to complete all of his requirements which would supposedly allow me to reach and help more people.

I began to experience Severe Anxiety as I struggled to find creative ways to pay for his coaching which, ultimately, took my family into Steep Debt.

The hole got deeper and deeper. And my anxiety became increasingly more severe. It was so Bad, that I had Trouble Sleeping.

I would fall asleep and then wake up in the wee hours of the morning with a Huge Knot in my Stomach, Butterflies, and Fip-Flops all at once.

This is when I Discovered a Simple Technique...

"Not only does the Emotion Subside, but my outer world Miraculously adjusts and potentially difficult situations just ease away, making room for a higher and more loving solution to enter."

I decided to put what I learned to work and as I practiced that technique, I began to have Success in Releasing Disruptive Emotions and Neutralizing them.

My best friend, Cynthia, was working the same strategy as I was.

Together, we came up with a DIFFERENT and BETTER way of doing it; the results were Spectacular!

Not only was I able to Quickly Fall back Asleep, but I had fewer and Fewer nights of waking up with Anxiety at all!

The profound changes began taking place in my personal life, including mutual decisions with my husband that would rescue us financially and put us back in a space of Abundance instead of on the verge of Bankruptcy.

And it was all done in a loving and non-judgemental way!

Cynthia and I began applying our new version whenever we noticed a negative emotion inside of us.

Our Enhanced Technique was so Powerful! We were thrilled when we noticed over and over again smooth outcomes to what would otherwise have been devastating challenges!

I have been using this strategy each and every day for years now.

Cynthia and I are totally Amazed at the Profound Transfer of Energy from what could be difficult outcomes, into something easy, flowing and brings great results.

You see...

This Simple Strategy Works on an energetic level to Dissolve the Power of Negative Emotions such as FEAR, SHAME, and GUILT.

When those Emotions are no longer in control, pathways open for Solutions and positive emotions to enter.

Now... whenever we notice a Negative Emotion, we use THIS TECHNIQUE for amazing results!

Be equipped with this Powerful Technique

to Overcome any of your Life Challenges!

Conscious Ascension

Introductory Course

You’ll experience fun and engaging videos where Rena and Cynthia discuss what conscious ascension means to us, how we developed our techniques and the profound power it holds. We also provide ways to overcome inconsistency in using this strategy so you can attain real and lasting change. As an added bonus, we provide many visual and printable items that reinforce our topics.

  • A greater understanding of your starseed calling

  • Meanings of “conscious ascension” and ways to achieve it

  • How Rena & Cynthia created their inner transformation technique

  • In-depth understanding of how and where to apply that technique

  • The importance of the “I” statement

  • The power of words and how to use them for inner growth

  • Worksheets to reinforce the technique

  • The power of a habit

  • Reflection journal to make inner change a constant reality

Conscious Ascension

a guide to your inner activation

Your Investment in Yourself is ONLY $36

thank you!

We are at an unprecented time in history. As LightWorkers, we are charged with a mission to release our old programs and be co-creators in attaining the world we want for ourselves, families, and community.

It takes courage to look in the mirror and address those parts of ourselves that are no longer serving us. We salute you in taking this first step! - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions